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Is there less kinky women than men online? I'm so disappointed
Why does it appear there's less kinky women online than men?<br>I think I may have figured out one reason... because they're inundated with creepy messages right off the bat.... and I'm NOT even a diaper girl so I can't imagine how many crazy messages they get. This is why I chose to lurk online when I first went online. <br>I read a small sampling of the ridiculous messages I get. NOTE: I am ALL for freedom of speech, so please write whatever you want but please be aware of how it can come across for the other person. My goal is... to see lifestyle kinksters of all genders & non-genders feel safe to be themselves online.<br><br>WE CAME UP WITH SOLUTIONS for the folks that get these messages, on how to deal with them better! Solutions at 16.00 <br><br>Are you female presenting & get a ton of non-appropriate messages? Comment below!

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